ACC Phase III Stakeholder Engagement

Thank you to everyone who has provided input and feedback throughout the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) Phase III Stakeholder Engagement process. Stakeholder feedback was a crucial part of the ACC Phase III RFP development process, and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) is grateful for the robust feedback provided throughout this process.

ACC Phase III Ongoing Stakeholder Activities Timeline

Stakeholder feedback from this process is summarized in the following reports:

Upcoming Presentations

Opportunities for stakeholder feedback on the Phase III Request for Proposal (RFP) is now closed, but discussions regarding elements of Phase III will continue throughout Phase III implementation When available, additional stakeholder meeting opportunities will be posted here. If you would like to receive email notifications about the ACC and upcoming meetings, join our email list.

Advisory Committee (PIAC) and subcommittee meetings. These meetings are also open to the public, though your ability to participate may vary. Agendas and other information about joining can be found on the ACC PIAC webpage.

Past Presentations and Materials

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

Other Key Presentations

*Please note that portions of these recordings have been removed to avoid identifying specific individuals by their names, faces, voice, or Medicaid-enrollment status. We have recently archived many of our old presentation recordings. If you’re looking for a recording from a specific session that’s not listed, please email hcpf_acc@state.co.us.

Learn about the ACC

To learn more, visit the ACC Phase II web page.